Recommend friends and family and you each earn £20

That's right, if you're a customer of ours, we'll give you a £20 Barracloughs voucher for each new customer that you introduce to us! Simply share your unique link with friends and family.

Once they redeem their voucher, we will send your voucher to you. You can send your link to as many people as you wish!


Winter is here!

Barracloughs Bulletin

Winter 2020

Winter has well and truly arrived so get festive and settled down to read issue 2 of our Barracloughs Bulletin... 

  • Team news and fun facts!
  • Meet our new mascot
  • Baby news
  • Your chance to WIN
  • Plus more!

Download your copy here!




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Association of Optometrists
Association of British Dispensing Opticians
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