Hear more, effortlessly
Live life to the full
For many years we have proudly partnered with The Hearing Care Partnership.
With a fantastic team of fully qualified audiologists, THCP know how much of an impact hearing loss can have, not only on those who suffer with the condition, but also on those family and friends around them.
It's a known fact that when hearing loss goes untreated, it can easily lead to social isolation, anxiety, depression, more risk of severe falls and even dementia. However, even with all of those risks, very few people who could benefit from hearing aids actually wear them.
Book your free hearing assessment today:
Goodbye to the stigma
Regain your confidence
In recent years though, hearing aids have come a long, long way. They are very discreet, extremely advanced and carry some fantastic features that you may not be aware of!
Meet your audiologists
Audiologist and Hearing Aid Consultant
Wax Removal Clinician
What happens during your appointment?
An introduction
Learning of your lifestyle
Your medical history
Checking the health of the inner ear
The health of your ear drums is checked and they'll measure the function of your middle ear. Hearing tests will also be performed in order to detect what levels you hear at varying frequencies.
A test of the eardrum and condition of the middle ear is carried out. It's a quick, painless and simple procedure which alters the pressure in your ear canal and records the movement of your ear drum. It can detect a range of conditions, from glue ear to eustachian tube dysfunction.
Pure tone audiometry
Using headphones, we'll play you a number of tones of different frequencies/levels and then ask you to respond whenever you hear them. When we reach the stage that can no longer hear any tones, we can measure your level of hearing loss.
Speech tests
A ‘speech-in-quiet’ test is also performed to measure speech recognition without any background noise going on. Both of these tests are as much about testing your understanding of speech as they are a test of your hearing. You may hear words, but not necessarily hear them clearly enough to understand them.
That is the end of the assessment! Once complete you will receive a full breakdown of your results, with recommendations on what to do next and whether hearing aids would be beneficial to you.
Book your free hearing assessment today
Wax removal
The quick and safe method
Ear wax is great for the health of your ears, it cleans the ear canal and plays a vital role in preventing infection. The wax, along with very small hairs, traps dust and other foreign particles that could damage the ear.
However, some people produce more wax than others, making them prone to a build up over time. Using earphones or ear plugs can encourage wax to build up. Going against advice and cleaning with cotton buds could push the wax further down the ear canal causing it to harden and become impacted.
We offer an ear wax removal service using the latest, safest wax removal methods. Our Wax Removal Clinicians use a technique called micro-suction which is the cleanest and safest method of wax removal. The WRC will insert a very thin suction tube into the ear canal. The tube is connected to what is effectively a vacuum unit, which then draws wax and other debris out of the ear canal.
Book your wax removal appointment:
- Professional micro-suction ear wax removal.
- No liquids are used meaning it is clean, non-invasive, and allows Natalie to clearly see the ear canal.
- Widely considered the quickest, safest, and most effective method of wax removal.
Have questions?
- How do I speak to somebody about their potential hearing loss?
- Surely only serious hearing loss needs to be treated?
- What causes hearing loss?
- How much does a hearing test cost?
- How long does the appointment last?
- Should I bring somebody with me to the appointment?
It's a sensitive subject...
You can read more tips over on the THCP website.
Not true...
If you feel you have any form of hearing loss, there are a wide range of treatment options to suit your needs. Book today if you're concerned about your hearing, choose your local store: Battle, Bexhill, Eastbourne, Polegate, Seaford, St. Leonards or Uckfield.
A number factors can contribute to hearing loss.
Your hearing test is free!
You'll get the time you deserve...
It would be very beneficial to bring along a friend or relative.
Should you decide to try a hearing aid during your appointment, a voice which is familiar to you is always the best thing to hear, not least because you’ll notice an improvement immediately when they speak to you!
By 2030, adult onset hearing loss will be in the top ten of disease burdens in the UK above cataracts and diabetes, as measured by disability life adjusted years.
Source: Hearinglink.org